Coaching clients Croatia
- A1 – VIPnet
- AstraZeneca
- Atlantic Grupa
- Billa/Spar
- Ciceron
- Coca –Cola
- Cognita
- Coloplast
- Dukat
- DSJU –Državna Škola Javne Uprave
- Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu, PDS Vodstvo
- Erste banka
- Franck
- Flora vrtni centar
- GRAWE Hrvatska
- Hrvatska udruga za coaching
- Hrvatski Telekom
- Hrvatska Radio Televizija HRT
- IRMO – Institut za međunarodne odnose
- Invera EP
- Kapital Network TV
- Kaufland
- Knauf Insulation
- KM kovnica – KMC
- KONČAR -MES d.d.
- L’Oréal
- Medis Adria
- Ministarstvo uprave
- Open Media Group
- OVEST viaggi d.o.o.
- Pevex
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers PWC
- Proconventa
- Proficio – Pine Beach Pakoštane
- Raiffeisen stambena štedionica
- Robert Bosch
- Scott Badder
- Slovensko Coaching Združenje
- Studio Kubus
- SofaScore -SOFA IT
- Translector
- VenEvent
- Visage Technologies AB
- Wienerberger
- Yazaki
- Zadarsko sveučilište
Organizations abroad
- AT&T Unisource Communication Services- USA/NL
- Dansko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova, Danska
- ECG-Cross- Nizozemska
- GDSI- Irska
- Heineken- Nizozemska
- Inspiration training Company – Nizozemska
- Inter Training & Consultancy Bureau – Nizozemska
- Lek d.d.-Slovenija
- L&R Consulting
- Lucent Technologies- USA/Nizozemska
- MCAST- Malta
- Medis Adria
- Ministarstvo Pravosuđa IND- Nizozemska
- Nizozemska gospodarska komora
- Notion ltd., UK
- Planet GV, Slovenija
- RTV -Slovenija
- RCR Zasavje -Slovenija
- Sofos -Slovenija
- Socotab- Makedonija
- Udruženje bibiliotekara, Srbija
- Versatel Telecom- USA/Nizozemska
- VIP Operator – Makedonija

prof. Borna Bebek, PhD
The Department of Organization and Management at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb has been, since 2008, successfully cooperating with Mr. M.Sc. Dragan Knezevic, as an outsourced expert/lecturer for Coaching on the postgraduate Leadership program.
M.Sc. Dragan Knezevic was evaluated by program participants as the best lecturer, both in terms of objective criteria – preparation of lectures and extent of knowledge, and in the subjective sense the general impression of openness and communication with students. Program participants have, in addition to the quality of knowledge transfer, emphasized his pragmatic approach to knowledge transfer and his rich international experience as a lecturer.
Considering all said above, we highly recommend Mr. M.Sc. Dragan Knezevic as an experienced coach and inspirational coaching lecturer for leaders and teams.
Department of Organization and Management Faculty of Economics and Business – Zagreb

Zlatko Hrkac, Sofascore co-founder & CEO
Dragan was my coach for three years, and during that time he helped me solve all the issues that I contacted him about, as well as additional things that I was not even aware of, but gradually opened up through work. He was a great support in the growth of Sofascore and one of the key roles and support in solving various difficult organizational issues that greeted us after the pandemic.
Dragan is an excellent coach who has a deep understanding of human behavior and psychology. He is very skilled in deep exploration that lead to self-knowledge and personal development. He is also very good at solving problems and finding creative solutions.
One of the biggest advantages of Dragan is the trust you gain very quickly when working with him. This was one of the most important things for me personally when we started working together, and today I can say that I never once felt that the things I talked about with him were convincing to someone else.

Mirsada Kudric, GM Robert Bosch d.o.o.
We worked with Dragan extremely successfully for several years on various projects. As a coach, Dragan helped some of our management team members in their personal and professional development. Feedback from colleagues who worked with Dragan was more than positive. Thanks to his professional approach, which is imbued with a special human touch, he was able to make an important contribution to the improvement of our overall corporate culture.

Damir Kecko, ASA
During several months of team coaching with Dragan, the whole team, and I separately as the team leader, had support in developing team spirit, common values and finding areas for improvement.
Dragan also showed responsiveness, readiness for “out of the box” thinking and creativity in finding solutions or ideas on how to achieve them.
The objectivity and neutrality of the coach with an outside view helped us a lot in seeing the “big picture” from a different perspective, and I definitely recommend Dragan as a team coach and team leader.
PwC Partner Deals, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Contact me
Mobile Phone
+385 98 358 588
Zagreb, Croatia